Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dust vs Heat

When I first arrived in Ghana, I thought it was hot, but surprisingly barable. It was definitely hotter and more humid in Accra than in Nalerigu, and that is because of something called the Harmattan. The Harmattan is a wind that blows from the northeast, bringing dust from the Sahara. It greatly reduced visibility. It kept the temperatures down, but the trade off was all the dust. Everything everywhere was constantly coated in a layer of reddish dust. It was a losing battle to try to rid your things of dust. Literally, daily everything would get covered with a new layer of dust. You take a shower and come out 2-3 shades lighter than when you got in.

Over the past week, the Harmattan winds have greatly reduced, and with that the temperatures have soared upwards. According to some folks with thermometers, we've already hit 120 on occasions. It's HOT! I don't think white northern girls are meant for this weather!

I haven't quite decided which I dislike more. With the Harmattan winds, we all had constant cold like symptoms from all the dust. Now we just roast like we are in an oven.

It's still dusty. The picture of above was taken this morning, after I did rounds and made one errand in town. That's not a tan on my feet, it's all dust.


niedz said...

Biffy--I really want to see pix of those snakes and what they do to the people.How do you treat it????

Uncle Paul

Branchville Lady said...

Biffy---you need to wash your feet I thought you were brought up better. Dad