Saturday, March 1, 2008

Random photos from work

This is me removing a large lipoma on man's chest. A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor, it was larger than a golf ball, but smaller than an orange.
This child is thought to have Hirschsprung's disease, a disease that causes a pseudo-obstruction of the intestines. This would be fixed shortly after birth in the US, but that is not possible here. His belly is that big because his intestines are very dilated proximal to the obstruction.
A woman with a double thumb


Branchville Lady said...

I have never seen anything like a double thumb! As you are sweltering, we are having a mini snow storm:). Your blog gives a good thumbnail sketch of life in a third world country and how we should be thankful to live where we do.

Anonymous said...

will that child die from the problem?? i like your dress to. i hope you dont mind my questions, i feel like i will have many. by the way your blog is in my favorits:) love from branchville, diane belcher

ESK123 said...

I would guess that the child would die earlier in life. It's hard for him to digest.

Keep asking questions, I'll try to answer them, if I can.